DMOPress WordPress Plugin
DMOPress is a FREE and open source WordPress plugin that helps you manage Places, and share them with your audience with ease. It’s made specifically for Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs), including:
- Tourism Offices and Tourism Bureaus
- Business Improvement Associations
- Multi-Location Tour Operators
- Any organization that promotes places
Plugin Features
- Works with any WordPress theme, including your current WordPress website!
- Adds a robust Places post type to WordPress:
- Unlimited categories, features and tags to show your Places from a variety of different perspectives
- Easy geocoding of addresses into map coordinates
- Show popular ratings and reviews with 6 built-in TripAdvisor Widget shortcodes
- Create interactive Google Maps in a snap using any one of 7 gorgeous built-in map themes
- WPML translation ready – fully internationalizable
- Designer Friendly:
- Override all plugin HTML and CSS with your own templates
- Works with parent and child themes
- See our Theming Guide and API documentation for complete documentation and template samples
- Developer Friendly
- Well-documented API and easy to extend.